This app collects no personal data whatsoever, except any preferences needed to make the User Interface consistent. I don't want your data--it's none of my business! I'm just here to write something that might be useful. You are a person, not a product, and I don't just respect that, I delight in that!
I do use data, this is a computer program after all. Data is processed, displayed, and sometimes stored for later use by you, and only you. I (the developer) can't get at it, ever. Collecting data is something that's only done by despicable slime-bags (I'm only a measly worm, I'd never stoop to being a slime-bag, let alone despicable).
And don't get me started on distributing and selling collected data!
I try my best to make apps as bug-free as possible, but I'm only human. I'm truly sorry if my app crashes and embarrasses you on a date, really! Feel free to call me names and insult my heritage if it makes you feel better.
So it'd be really shitty of you to try to jerk me around and do some mean legal thing. I don't write programs that are life/death things, so the stakes should be next to nothing. And I'm no millionaire anyway, so you'd just be squeezing blood from a turnip. So please don't be an asshole. How about trying to make the world a better place for everyone instead? I'll try to as well. It's a deal.
Scott Morgan Biggs