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An absolute must for beginners!

You want content? Ho-boy, you got it!

Here you'll find all sorts of goodies! You'll find a glossary of terms, links to useful websites, books to read, movies to study, and anything else we think may be useful.

But first, I must point out a book that is sorely overlooked. If you have ever wondered, "Exactly what is everyone talking about when they say 'Simple Acting Skills,' 'Techniques,' or 'Basic Preparation?'" this is the book for you. Richard Boleslavsky wrote a charming little thing that will take the brashest beginner and get him heading in the right direction.

But whether you're a beginner or not, I use a bunch of terms all the time. Do yourself a favor and check 'em out.

These terms provide a language to discuss the difficult and touchy realm of the acting arts. Know them, use them, love them.

Most of these definitions were first introduced to me by Ben Taylor during his workshops in Austin, Texas. He expanded upon and greatly improved many of the terms from Michael Shurtleff (check out his book, Audition). I have no idea how anyone can teach or even talk about acting without such a vocabulary!

Techniques - Workouts - Play
The Actor's Gym comes in two forms to fit your needs: Techniques and workouts.